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Graduate Annotated Transcript

This page is a collection of the courses that I took while attending Michigan State University's Master of Arts in Educational Technology program.  All courses took place within the department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education (CEP) and the department of Teacher Education (TE) at Michigan State University. 


Courses are listed in chronological order from most recent to least.

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CEP 807 | Capstone Seminar

Summer 2023 | Dr. Matthew Koehler

The Capstone Seminar course takes the place of the typical thesis course that many graduate degrees require as a culmination of learning throughout the program.  During the Capstone Seminar, I was asked to create a virtual portfolio that would showcase my best work from the course of my graduate degree program.  This portfolio includes a Graduate Showcase, an Educational Blog, my interactive resume, and houses various personal philosophies regarding education.

CEP 813 | Electronic Assessment

Summer 2023 | Dr. Brittany Dillman

Through my Electronic Assessment course, I explored my own personal academic assessment philosophy while simultaneously investigating the historical foundations of assessment, critically examining current assessment best practices, and gaining knowledge about the complex relationship between technology and assessment.  By the end of this course, I had created a number of electronic assessments that were intentional, aligned, meaningful, and manageable.


CEP 800 | Learning in School and Other Settings

Fall 2022 | Dr. Blair Stamper

The Learning in School and Other Settings course set the foundation for understanding how learning occurs in and out of the school setting.  Through this course, I examined various learning theories, including Behaviorism and Cognitivism.  Later in the course, I used my newfound knowledge of learning theories to create my own theory of learning.  I also explored the  complicated relationships between teaching and learning.

CEP 822 | Approaches to Educational Research

Fall 2022 | Dr. Megan Garza

CEP 822 is a course designed to familiarize students with the basics of educational research.  Throughout the semester, I conducted action research to explore the efficacy of the Structured Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) for multilingual learners.  By the end of the semester, I created and administered various interviews, surveys, and research to explore this topic that were aligned with educational research best practices.


CEP 810, 811, 812 | Mindsets for Innovation: Overseas Cohort

Summer 2022 | Dr. Liz Boltz & Dr. Chris Sloan

CEP 810, 811, and 812 were combined into a single 4 week study abroad course that took place in Galway, Ireland.  Throughout this accelerated learning experience, myself and 11 other graduate students explored the ways in which educators can integrate technology into the classroom.  Over the course of 4 weeks, I studied the efficacy of virtual manipulatives, the value of educational gaming in the classroom, the Maker Movement, and the wicked problem of Teacher Burnout, Shortages, and Retention.

TE 804 | Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice II

Spring 2019 | Dr. Rachel Larimore

This course was a component of my 5th year of undergraduate degree that took place alongside of my student teacher internship.  TE 804 focused on supporting educators in the science classroom.  I learned through this course how to align science units with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to help promote inquiry in the classroom.  At the end of this course, I successfully planned and taught a 10 day science unit on the birth of rocks.


TE 803 | Professional Roles and Teaching Practice II 

Spring 2019 | Dr. Alyssa Whitford

This course was a component of my 5th year of undergraduate degree that took place alongside of my student teacher internship.  TE 803 focused on supporting educators in the social studies classroom.  This class asked me to analyze potential hidden biases in history, critically examine problematic historical power dynamics, and cultivate an inquiry-based social studies classroom.  At the end of this course, I created a 10 day government unit aligned with the Michigan Social Studies Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) for fourth grade.

TE 802 | Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice I

Fall 2018 | Dr. Rebecca Witte

This course was a component of my 5th year of undergraduate degree that took place alongside of my student teacher internship.  TE 802 focused on supporting educators in becoming effective language arts teachers.  During this course, I learned how to decompose Common Core State Standards to create grade-level appropriate reading and writing objectives and subsequent lesson plans and units.  At the end of this course, I created a 10 day informational writing unit on animals.

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