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  • Writer's pictureMary Verberg

Creating Aligned Assessments: A Curated List of Tools & Resources for Educators

Updated: May 28

"Assessment is today's means of modifying tomorrow's instruction."

-Carol Ann Tomlinson




On May 15, 2023, I posted a blog post titled The Shoulds and Should Nots of Academic Assessment: A Work in Progress, in which I discuss my current philosophy regarding educational assessment best practices.

Although I have been given opportunities to understand what academic assessments should and should not have, I also know that actually putting these practices into play each day in my classroom is challenging. Time constraints, student needs, adequate resources, and other responsibilities can sometimes get in the way of doing what we know is best for our students, 100% of the time.

However challenging, assessments are a powerful tool for helping to provide an equitable, valuable, and meaningful education to all students, and taking the time to create research-aligned assessments should be a priority.

As such, I want to provide educators with a curated list of tools and resources that they can utilize to help ensure that they are creating research-aligned assessments and providing students with deeper and more meaningful learning opportunities. Below is an infographic filled with links for tools and resources that are aligned with each belief of my academic assessment philosophy.

Click each link to learn more about the tool or resource.

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